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Pirate Relief

Pirate Relief

A traditional client and branch organization that we are fully supportive of and proud of our relationship with. We have helped them bring together their relief efforts, environmental stewardship, rescue missions, ideas, planning, and plotting by helping them with the layout, design, promotion, and development of their projects such as their upcoming book “Pirate Relief”. We’ve just started researching and assisting them in the development of their journal. They are in the midst of writing their book. Excited by this new family member, we’ve jumped on board their vessel and are sailing the high seas with them. Adventures in Environmental sustainability, high seas actions, relief efforts, and support – we see vision with this up and rising non-profit.

To learn more about this exciting group and their action ventures … visit our review page at technogypsie.net’s Review on Pirate Relief.

Pirate Relief is a roving band of pirates, gypsies, artists, musicians, environmentalists, scientists, & relief volunteers who are striving to bring together a fleet of tall sailing ships to sail the seven seas to ports around the world – sharing art, music, drama, theater, folklore, performance, storytelling, history, & culture to those they encounter. They are setting out to share the wealth of the Living Myth. When able to assist in coastal disaster areas – they plan to set into port to uplift the spirits of those who had their lives affected – bringing back hope to the hopeless, guidance to the lost, and insight to the inquisitive … sharing whatever resources they have on board or the crew has to offer – whether uplift of spirit through entertainment, stories of hope, supplies, medical aid, arts, education, inspiration, or a helping hand. They are also working on environmental projects to assist in ecological tragedy by approaching areas affected such as the Gulf oil spill, the Pacific Trash Island, and how to address pollution issues with our waterways. They are targeting our concerns by embracing ecological and sustainability ideas for a new approach to living, caring for the environment, mobility, and keeping culture, arts, & sciences alive. “Through Storytelling and the Arts – The Living Myth shall live on!” Their PDF Brochure can be downloaded Here. (one of our creations)

We’re signed on to assist and support “Pirate Relief” on their efforts and their up-and-coming development of a bi-annual journal and several book projects. These projects include:

The “Pirate Relief Journal” – a bi-annual journal packed full of articles, poems, and photos of “Pirate Relief’s” adventures. These 32 page compositions will keep their members informed of activities, progress, issues, and art experienced while sailing the high seas. For more information, visit their web site at www.piraterelief.com. While you are investigating “all things Pirate” … visit technogypsie.net’s Review on Pirate Relief. The first issue is expected to be released this Spring 2020.

Avast the Mighty Seas Down Under! ~ A Pirate Relief Environmental Sustainability Photo Compilation
Currently being written by Captain Leaf McGowan, this photo book will cover his adventures on a leg of the journey with Captain Cook’s replica “the HMB Endeavor” where he worked as a tour guide and sailing crew from Brisbane to Gladstone Australia. In this book he’ll also address Pirate ships he has encountered in his travels and his own endeavors with “Pirate Relief”. Expected release: Summer 2020.

The Pirate Relief Guidebook
Currently in production, the “Pirate Relief” Guidebook is a handbook for those ready to sail the seas with aim at sustainability, learning to become a sailor or seaman, Relief efforts, and Environmental concerns. Expected release: Fall 2020.



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