Thomas Baurley is a coming new author we’ve teamed up with for the publication of his new books expected as early as 2020. We are in process of finding him a publisher. Thomas Baurley is an anthropologist, archaeologist, and folklorist specializing in the studies of folk religion and beliefs, cartography, exploration, and nomadic peoples. He is also the CEO of our company and one of the fine agents, editors, and artisans who manage our staff. He is a former paid writer for the blog: through the publishing network. He also runs the Science and Lore Blog if you’re ready to read his works before his books are released. As he makes progress with his books and research, we’ll be updating his profile here in the very near future. Look forward to the release of his upcoming books:

“Techno Tinkers, Nomads, Gypsies, and Travelers” – An ethnographic and historical study of nomadic peoples past and present. Ranging from the early nomads, Romanian Gypsies, tinkers, travelers, and mystics … Thomas Baurley brings to light that nomadic peoples and pursuits are far from gone. He sheds light on the newest of all the nomads – the “Technogypsie” – a nomadic artisan and techno-geek who as a “jack” or “Jane” of all trades travels the world as a nomad while embracing the arts, the sciences, technology, the lore, and the magic within the alternative sub-cultures of Rainbow Gatherings, Burning Man, Pagan festivals, Music Festivals, and the Fantasy realms. Over 400 pages of mind-blowing ethnology exposing a world most urbanites would not know to exist.
Offerings to the Naiad: A study of Sacred Springs and Holy Wells – As Mr. Baurley treks around the globe, he is fascinated with awe of the folk traditions both past and modern surrounding sacred springs, holy wells, rivers, and bodies of water. From the carbonated healing waters of Manitou Springs, Colorado to the sacred saintly wells of mystical Cornwall, he covers an archaeological and anthropological study of these practices, beliefs, and holy sites of pilgrimage.
A Curator’s Data Management Guide – When he published a Curator and GIS Specialist’s guide for the U.S. Army during his position as Curator, GIS Specialist, an Archaeologist with the Fort Carson’s Cultural Resource Management Program; combined with his experiences with the U.S. National Park Services’ Southeastern Archaeological Center’s methods and procedures, and from his exploits as a .dotcom boomer from the late 80’s/early ’90s with a high-tech edge, he has found many solutions to data management crisis issues that can be solved by some simple logistics and applications available in the digital era including Museum Software’s Past Perfect, the Adobe Software Suites, PDF technologies, and ArcGIS. His guide will be a handy reference book for bringing a lab into the digital age.
A Technogypsie’s Guide to Obscure and Mystical Cornwall – His most recent project is based on living in Cornwall England for a summer, this tour guide will take the avid traveler on a walkabout through the lore of fairies and mystical sites in Cornwall, England.