Weaving Adventure, Imagination, and Magic into your presence in print, web, and media ....

Protected: Portal: Jacqui Wood

Support and publication services for author Jacqui Wood. Fantasy and ethno-archaeology author located in Cornwall, UK. During Leafworks, Wandering Leaf, and Technogypsie Productions era.

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Protected: Portal: Leaf McGowan

the creative arts and publications of artisan Leaf McGowan. Through the era of Leafworks, Wandering Leaf Designs, and Technogypsie Productions. We published his blogs, vlogs, and publications.

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Protected: Portal: Leaf and Dragon

A collective experiment and brick / mortar storefront in historic Ashland, Oregon featuring Fairy, Pirate, and Viking crafts, costumes, jewelry, armor, gifts, and accessories. Apothecary. Community network. www.leafanddragon.com. A combine store of Jelling Dragon and the Tree Leaves Oracle.

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Protected: Portal: Jelling Dragon

Technogypsie Productions in 2014-2015 offered design, development, and technical services for Jelling Dragon during their co-collective experiment the Leaf and Dragon in Ashland, Oregon as well as guidance/support for the publications of Magical Places.

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Protected: Portal: Medieval Goblyn Market

A collaborative collective project with Golden Dragonfly, Medieval Designs, and Tree Leaves Oracle, Technogypsie Productions created the Medieval Goblyn Market in 2018 for the Medieval Festival in Colorado.

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Protected: Portal: Nehalem Point

During the Leafworks and Wandering Leaf era: 1990-2002, we designed, developed, and managed the online network of Nehalem Point - a then housing community project for housing /land development sales. All properties were sold, and they eventually closed their website. www.nehalempoint.com.

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Protected: Portal: Offerings of the Naiads

An ongoing project with author Thomas Baurley, We have been working on the blog, vlog, and publications "Offerings of the Naiads" from 1990 to present throughout our eras of Leafworks, Wandering Leaf Designs, Technogypsie Productions, and Techno Tink Media. www.naiads.org

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Protected: Portal: Pirate Relief

From its inception, we have been managing the website, publications, and marketing of Pirate Relief - a collective of artists, artisans, educators, scientists, and navigators in preserving Pirate lore and community outreach. www.piraterelief.com

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