Weaving Adventure, Imagination, and Magic into your presence in print, web, and media ....
Web Safe Colors

Web Safe Colors

On occasion in the design development arena one might want to color up their web sites with different hues, variations, and colors than that which may come with one’s web package, theme, plugin, or design.

It is important to use web safe colors that have been tested in the multitude of web browsers that exist. A good source for this is:


When discussing web colors with your developer or designer, or even when making notes for yourself when designing, please refer to the colors with the color code number that will be used in the coding. This is the 6 digit Hex number: Example Basic Black is #000000

Hex colors of the rainbow ...

In real life, physical color spectrum, most “colors” are created materialistically with pigments. In art, the artist creates many variable colors, many of which are far outcry what is found in the rainbow. “Pigment” is dry concentrated color dust used to create dyes, inks, and liquids, as well as ceramics, fabric, glass, and plastics their hue. These are composed of a binding agent such as oil or glue mixed with a natural or mineral powder to create a paint or adhesive. This is the original methodology for making paints and dyes. Today, most artists have it made for them – they just go to the art store to buy pre-mixed, pre-made paints. This makes it simple and versatile for the artists as opposed to the days in history when they had to create it on their own.


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